

R&D Intern


Its a medical devising company specializing in Ophthalmic care. They also have a digital health platform for scaling the last-mile delivery of care. I built a computer vision ML algorithm to calculate retinal vascular parameters for the diagnostic screening of systemic diseases. Then, developed a full-stack web app to pilot our algorithm - this was later productionized for primary healthcare doctors. Additionally, conducted user research and competitive analysis to inform the market positioning in the medical landscape.


My Role

  • Innovated in retinal imaging through ML, incorporating ethical considerations in the algorithmic diagnosis of systemic diseases.
  • Built a full-stack application for healthcare professionals, focusing on accessibility and ethical use of AI in primary care.
  • Conducted user research and competitive analysis with a lens on maintaining equitable access and ethical standards in healthcare technology.


  • Built a computer vision ML system for diagnostic screening of systemic diseases. Benchmarked within Ā±8% of the research benchmark tool SIVA (Singapore ā€˜Iā€™ Vessel Assessment).
  • Conducted user research and built a full-stack app - allowed primary care doctors to review retinal scans from 15 mins to 2 mins.
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