

Product Manager


Zero Systems streamlines complex business workflows with its context-aware AI, enhancing productivity for knowledge workers by delivering intelligent automation solutions that allow professionals to focus on high-value tasks and achieve better work-life balance.

My Role

  • Orchestrated the development of an LLM-based document parsing product, emphasizing robust privacy safeguards and ethical data handling protocols.
  • Achieved significant cost savings by enhancing the ML training pipeline, incorporating human feedback to bolster AI reliability and safety.
  • Expanded enterprise product features focusing on user trust, incorporating monitoring tools and analytics dashboards to ensure fairness and transparency in AI interactions.


• Fueled 15% increase in QoQ revenue by spearheading the launch of an LLM-based document parsing product from zero to one

• Saved compute costs by 60% by optimizing our ML training pipeline with human feedback for document processing

• Secured new revenue of $1.2M and increased enterprise retention by 20% customers by leading our on-prem Enterprise product and building features such as human-in-the-loop learning, monitoring, analytics dashboard etc

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